Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority provides service to the community through its national programs. All sorority national programs and initiatives are under the “umbrella” of a signature program entitled, Project Reassurance. Through Project Reassurance, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority seeks to promote responsible living highlighted by the slogan H3: It’s All About ME! which focuses on Healthy Living, Healthy Choices, and Healthy Generations
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. maintains national partnerships with the following organizations:

Gamma Phi Sigma Alumnae Chapter has worked diligently to enhance the quality of life in greater Houston area and surrounding communities. In addition to executing the Sorority's national service initiatives, Gamma Phi Sigma has executed partnerships to specifically address issues that impact the Houston area.
The Gamma Phi Sigma Chapter maintains partnerships with the following local organizations:
Worthing High School
Fort Bend Women's Shelter
Reynolds Elementary
Wig Out