Worthing HS Partnership

Evan Edward Worthing Early College High School Home of the colts is a secondary school located in the Sunnyside area of Houston, Texas. Lead by Principal Everett Hare, Worthing serves grades 9 through 12 and is a part of the Houston Independent School District. Worthing has Houston ISD's magnet program for Mathematics, Science, and Technology.
The Gamma Phi Sigma Alumnae Chapter supports students at Worthing High School through mentorship, school supplies, career workshop, and more. Currently, we are supporting a special program aimed at helping teen parents. Pregnant and Parenting teens often are balancing their lives and being a parent. Ensuring that adolescent parents receive adequate social and emotional, medical, and academic support is essential to the parent and the baby’s future If you are interested in donating to assist students at Worthing through this outreach use the below PayPal button.
Thank you in Advance